Those of us that have oily skin or are acne prone may be quick to assume that every small dark dot in the pores of our face is a blackhead that needs to be removed.
While our pores can be filled with sebum plugs or blackheads, they can also contain sebaceous filaments. Although sebaceous filaments may look similar to blackheads, they are a normal part of our skin and have their own job to help it function.
What Are Sebaceous Filaments?
Sebaceous filaments are tiny, hair-like structures located within the pores that often look like tiny gray or dark dots on the skin. If you were to squeeze one, what comes out usually appears as a thin, white to yellowish oily substance that can look like a tiny worm.
Sebaceous filaments have a crucial but often misunderstood role helping to smoothly transport sebum, the skin’s natural oil, from the sebaceous glands in the pores to the surface of the skin. They line the pore and channel the sebum your sebaceous glands produce to the outside of your skin, keeping you moisturized and helping to maintain a healthy skin barrier.
Sebaceous filaments are a common and natural feature of our skin, particularly in areas like the nose, chin, and forehead—the usual hotspots for oil production. They may be more noticeable on people with oily skin or enlarged pores. Because they are found where there is more oil it leads to a misconception that sebaceous filaments are a sign of unclean or unhealthy skin, but they are a sign of your skin is doing its job, keeping its surface naturally moisturized and healthy.
Sebaceous Filaments vs. Blackheads
Sebaceous filaments often appear as small, grayish or yellowish dots, and yes, they can bear a striking resemblance to blackheads. But while blackheads are a form of acne characterized by oxidized, clogged pores that appear as darkened bumps, sebaceous filaments have a role in oil regulation rather than obstruction. They’re a sign that your skin is functioning as it should, not a distress signal.
Because of their role in oil transport, sebaceous filaments are more prominent in oily areas so they can often show up side by side with blackheads which are also more common where there is more oil.
How to Get Rid of Sebaceous Filaments?
While the urge to extract them might be strong, it’s important to hold back. Overzealous squeezing or picking can lead to skin damage, irritation, or even scarring.
Unlike blackheads, sebaceous filaments will refill quickly within 30 days because of the ongoing production of sebum, making extraction a temporary and potentially harmful solution. While sebaceous filaments cannot (and should not) be permanently removed, their appearance can be minimized through proper skincare.
Sebaceous Filaments Treatment
There is no need to treat sebaceous filaments. However, if you are concerned about their appearance, there are a few things you can do to make them less noticeable:
Cleanse your skin regularly with a gentle cleanser. This will help to remove excess sebum and dead skin cells from your pores, minimizing the appearance of sebaceous filaments.
Using a cleanser with sulfur, clay or salicylic acid on the areas with sebaceous filaments can also help control sebum.
Kate Somerville EradiKate Daily Foaming Cleanser Acne Treatment with 3% Sulfur
Proactiv Clean Mineral Acne Cleanser for Sensitive Skin with 3% Sulfur and Chamomile
CeraVe Acne Control Cleanser with 2% Salicylic Acid and Purifying Clay
Use a gentle chemical exfoliate such as salicylic acid. This will help to dissolve oil and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and make your pores appear smaller and sebaceous filaments less prominent.
TULA Skin Care Breakout Breakthrough 2% Salicylic Acid Biodegradable Toner Pads
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution, Acne-Fighting Serum for Blemish-Prone Skin
Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Liquid Exfoliant with 2% Salicylic Acid
Oil Control
If you have oily skin, using products formulated to control oil production can help by reducing the amount of excess sebum in the pores that can accentuate sebaceous filaments.
Murad Oil & Pore Control Lightweight Facial Moisturizer and Pore Mattifier SPF 45
No Picking
Avoid picking or squeezing your pores. This can damage the skin and potentially lead to scarring or enlarged pores which can make sebaceous filaments more noticeable.
Prescription Treatments
If you are still concerned about your sebaceous filaments, you can talk to a dermatologist. They may recommend a prescription topical treatment, such as retinoid, to help reduce the appearance of sebaceous filaments.
Sebaceous Filaments on Nose
Sebaceous filaments on the nose can sometimes draw extra attention, mainly because our noses typically have larger pores and more active oil glands. This makes sebaceous filaments more visible, appearing as small, gray or yellowish dots in the pores.
While it can be tempting to start squeezing at your nose to get rid of them, you’ll have to resist. Overdoing it with extractions or harsh treatments can do more harm than good, potentially irritating or damaging the skin on your nose or causing broken capillaries which can only be removed by professional treatment. These filaments are there for a reason, and if you did remove them, they will just quickly refill.
Embrace gentle skin care practices and put aside the magnifying mirror. Regular cleansing, light exfoliation, and controlling excess sebum can help keep your nose looking clear and healthy without going overboard. You can occasionally use a clay mask or a hydrocolloid nose patch to absorb excess oil on your nose when you need a quick fix.
AcneFree Acne Clearing Mask 3.5% Sulfur Acne Treatment with Vitamin C, Bentonite, and Zinc
Aztec Secret Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Mask
Murad Rapid Relief Acne Clay Face Mask with Salicylic Acid and 5% Sulfur
In the age of impossibly smooth-skinned filters on social media, sebaceous filaments might feel like imperfections when you look at them up close in the mirror. But remember that they are not a skin problem—rather they are a normal feature of healthy skin, especially for oilier skin types, helping to transport and regulate sebum. They remind us that the best skincare approach is one that respects and supports our skin’s natural processes.